California Training | College Recruiting

AVP America Nationals Atlantic City July 27-30 2020


We support and recommend that a Sand Recruits profile be set up some time in the freshman high school year.  Sand Recruits connects sand volleyball athletes with coaches that are looking for players to join their team.  It is the leading database and social media site for junior beach players and sand coaches. On Sand Recruits Website, every player’s performance data is one click away for ALL collegiate sand coaches in the NCAA and NAIA. If you sign up for Sand Recruits you can use the code for $40 off your membership: SANDSTORM

Sandstorm and Tamarack  have joined forces in a club-to- club reciprocal relationship to help girls get more exposure.  We are encouraging those committed enough to travel to California to train with the Tamarack coaches. They will help you with training, tournament locations, and possible partners during your stay. Contact Andrew or Jay to help facilitate this.
